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Camp Kaleidoscope

Supporting children through a parent’s cancer journey



Camp Kaleidoscope

Supporting children through a parent’s cancer journey


Cancer hurts. Kaleidoscope helps.


Camp Kaleidoscope is a California Bay Area community, driven by passionate college student leaders, that supports children who have or had a parent with cancer.



what we do

serving a unique population of children

what we do

serving a unique population of children

Our Mission


Camp Kaleidoscope seeks to provide a safe, supportive overnight camp experience and year-long programming for children who have a parent who is currently in treatment for cancer, is in remission from cancer or who has died from cancer.  Campers will have the opportunity to build friendships and gain strength from peers facing similar challenges.


Who We Are

one supportive family

Who We Are

one supportive family


a diverse community


At Camp Kaleidoscope, we hope to provide a week of fun, friendship, and escape for children from all backgrounds.  From second grade to high school, students of all ages will come together each summer, all sharing similar hardship in their lives.



The diagnosis of cancer is devastating to everyone involved. When the patient has young children, they are particularly vulnerable to the disruptions in their lives. Camp Kaleidoscope will be the touchstone that helps them get through the rest of the year.

In 2025, we expect to serve 120 campers across the San Francisco Bay Area from the ages 6 to 18.



Bay Area college student volunteers plan, organize, and lead the preparation and execution of camp.  In total, 70+ over-committed college students are estimated to volunteer more than 17,000 hours of their time. During the course of 9 months, that effort will go toward creating six irreplaceable, life-altering days, so that 120 children can experience feeling normal and safe.  


camp Kaleidoscope

Together, campers and counselors will help create the incredible Camp Kaleidoscope community. Each summer, interpersonal bonds will be formed, self-empowerment will be discovered, and a sense of control will be gained by children at this overnight summer camp environment. We hope that the communities of children, parents, and families created by Camp Kaleidoscope will last for years. 

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Our Impact

seeking to create lasting change in kids' lives 

Our Impact

seeking to create lasting change in kids' lives 

Camp Kaleidoscope expects to serve 120 campers, ranging from the ages of 6 to 18. We will serve around 80 Bay Area families. 2025 will be our first year of operation and we cannot wait to make a difference in the lives of families impacted by cancer.